Photographic Credits

Over the past two decades, we have worked with some amazing photographers. At present, Adam McGrath of Hcreations is our chief photographer. Our first photographer was Lisa McKelvie of Red Zebra Photography and our second photographer was Bronwen Healy of Bronwen Healy Photography.

Team member William Bayliss does a lot of our in-house photography and Workshop manager Alex MacFarlane also takes a good photo. Evan only does the occasional Instagram photo.

We have not consistently credited the individual photographers on our website, but they have distinctive styles.

Adam McGrath

Adam is an incredibly creative photographer. He takes stills, videos and even drone footage. He has a wicked sense of humour and has done a lot to personalise our work. Adam is currently helping us to create a video library of our most popular designs.

Adam has a distinctive style and he loves the light in our workshop. He has been photographing for us since 2017.

Bronwen Healy

Bronwen is one of the world’s leading photographers of race horses. When her kids were little, Bronwen worked part-time at the Dunstone Design Gallery, taking photographs of our work as required. These days Bronwen lives in the Melbourne region with her partner Darren Tindale where they work as free-lance photographers specialising in the racing industry.

Bronwen Healy Photography

Lisa McKelvie

Lisa was our first professional photographer. She set the “look” of our early images. Many of our original product shots were taken by Lisa. She took all our images from 2001 through to 2011. In the early days, we had to take everything across town to the cyclorama where she would shoot with transparencies. How times have changed.

In 2010, Lisa visited the workshop every week to record the building of the ANU School of Business and Economics board room table.

William Bayliss

The late William Bayliss  became our defacto Dunstone Design photographer from 2020 until his death in 2024. Following instructions by Canadian Master Michael Fortune, William has set up a photographic studio at the Dunstone Design workshop.

When William was still an apprentice, he used to make videos of us at work. We found that by filming the work he learned a lot about process. His masterpiece during this period was his Waterfall Stool video that was aired on the Australian Woodreview Magazine’s youtube channel.

William Bayliss

Cable Bay Cabinet
Cable Bay Cabinet by William Bayliss, 2020.

Aditi Sargeant

Aditi joined us as an apprentice in 2023. Aditi’s had a long interest in photography and has a distinctive eye for composition. Aditi and William collaborated on many photo shoots together and learned from each other. Aditi took charge of our Social Media in the second half of 2024 and has profoundly influenced the way we present our work through the lens. In particular, Aditi strives to tell the story of our workshop, the timber and the piece in a single image. Aditi is redefining the way we think about our work, best expressed in our Relating to Country article.

Aditi Sargeant